najahuha Creative Commons License 2005.04.29 0 0 620
Another example from the same site (I added the greek words)

Sumerian word: gúr

n., sphere; circle, ring; loop; hoop (circle + ur, 'to surround'). [ also *KERE > KÖR] [greek word: ????? (guros) = circle, turning]

v., to bow down, submit; to curb, subdue; to die (cf., gam). [ *kere >kör >> gör-b-ül =bends, kór=old, sickly, aged, dying of a desease; kór-ház=hospital] [greek words: ?????, ????? (gerno, geiro) = to bent, ?????, ????? (geron, geros) = old man]

Maybe Indo-european, Sumerian and Finno-ugric have some common roots after all?

(A kérdőjelek helyén eredetileg görög betűk vannak, de sajnos a rendszer ezek szerint nem ismeri föl.)
Előzmény: najahuha (619)