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Roma Killing Game Still Available in the Czech Republic 1. 3. 2005
The success of Roma activists in Hungary in forcing an online game called “Gypsy Action” off the web last week, highlights the fact that similar games still remain available in the Czech Republic. The recently banned Hungarian game, invites players to ethnically cleanse Hungary of Gypsies. During the few days that it was available, the game received over 4,000 hits.
Similar games such as ‘Olah Action,’ ‘Maticni Street’ or ‘Kill Your Own Gypsy’ have been available in the Czech Republic since 2000. These games give players points for killing virtual Gypsies, and feature such phrases as “a good gypsy is a dead gypsy’ and, if a player loses the game: ‘this is the end of white supremacy…it is up to you change things.” Despite protests over these games, the government of the Czech Republic has failed to find and prosecute the creators and distributors of these games; a disturbing thought after 4 years.
While some might argue that individuals are entitled to free speech, and thus should be able to freely access these games; it is clear to those familiar with the situation of Roma in Eastern Europe that these games constitute an insidious form of hate speech. Such games encourage players to view ‘Gypsies’ as legitimate targets of hatred and violence, and thus contribute to the overall negative images plaguing the Roma throughout these countries.
Considering that this year marks both the beginning of the Decade of Roma Inclusion throughout Central and Eastern Europe and the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, it is extremely disturbing to see the ongoing prevalence of xenophobia towards the Roma.
alfredoo: egyébként én nem értek egyet azzal, hogy a "csak magának okoz kárt" érvelés érvényes kellene hogy legyen a büntethetőség kizárására. Viszont tény, hogy a drogvitában ez sokszor elhangzik érvként, és nagyon könnyen el tudom képzelni, hogy vki aki mondjuk teljes erővel érvel a drogok legalizálása mellett, az olah actionra meg már azt mondaná, hogy na ezt már nem.