HEAVEN Creative Commons License 2005.03.01 0 0 8040
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Mert ui. mind2 számban énekel Robert (nemcsak vokálozik).
Szerintem meg az, de ezen nem veszünk össze :-)
(Egyébként a tavalyi Unique koncert óta én is halláskárosult vagyok :-) túl volt hangosítva mint állat....)


Robert Smith joins Placebo onstage for Wembley show!

Placebo concluded 20 months of touring with a spectacular performance at Wembley arena which included a guest appearance by Robert Smith for 'Without You I'm Nothing' and 'Boys Don't Cry'. Thanks to everyone who made Friday night's awsome live show so unforgettable. See a picture of Brian with Robert and Robert onstage with Placebo

Wembley Set List

Taste In Men
The Bitter End
Every You Every Me
Protege Moi
Special Needs
English Summer Rain
I Do
This Picture
Special K
Slave To The Wage
36 Degrees (Re-worked version)
Pure Morning

Twenty Years
Without You I'm Nothing (with Special Guest Robert Smith)
Boys Don't Cry (with Robert Smith)

Teenage Angst (Acoustic Version)
Nancy Boy"

source: http://www.placeboworld.co.uk/news/
(official site)

Előzmény: lonney (8036)