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Let us examine the bronze mirror again. The sun represented in its centre is Tabiti. On the mirror one can pass a line between points of the vernal equinox (March 22) and of the autumnal equinox (September 22). It is worth noting that both corresponding signs are the letter beta symbolizing the god Papaios (cf. Russian bab'e leto 'warm time in September', and even babay 'an oral fetish to frighten a child'). The "round" (the solar sign) denotes the god Targitaos. The certain months of this calendar are specified by the signs of the deities Goitosiros (December, the winter solstice), Argimpasa (May - June), Agin/Agni (October - December) and Targitaos (June, the summer solstice).

Then one can reconstruct all the seasons (season/specific days/actions of the Russian folk calendar):

1st season / November 22 - February 21 / the winter solstice of December 22; the feast Kolyada; the day of Spiridon-Solntsevorot of December 25 (10).

2nd season / February 22 - May 21 / the day of Vlasy (the god Veles, protector of herds) of February 24; the vernal equinox of March 22; the day of Krasnaya gorka of April 25; the day of Yury (Egory) of May 6: the beginning of the works in the fields and of the pasture of cattle.

3rd season / May 22 - August 21 / the day of Yarila of June 17; the summer solstice of June 22; the day of Kupala of June 24.

4th season / August 22 - November 21 / the day called oseniny of September 21; the autumnal equinox of September 22; the day of Fedora of September 24: the end of summer and of season called bab'e leto 'warm time in September'; the day of Egory osenny of October 13: the end of the works in the fields; the main week dedicated to the goddess Makosh' before November 21. innen
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