lebben Creative Commons License 2005.02.17 0 0 282


The name of the Scythian king Skil (470-450 BC) on a Scythian golden finger-ring (Ryabova and Lezhukh 2001: figure 7, 7). Found in 1930-es near Istria in Romania. According to The History of Herodotus (Book 4), this Hellenized king, the son of the Scythian king Ariapif (490-470 BC) and a Grecian woman from Istria, was dethroned and fled to Thrace. Most likely, the name Skil is not Scythian, and possibly is a Thracian name. Skil was buried not in a kurgan, like his fellow tribesmen, but in a Greek-style vault. The surrounding Scythian tribes were Neuri and Budini, the Cimmerian aborigines, and settled Greeks and Thracians.

The first inscription in Greek letters


Előzmény: rovó (280)