Gyerekek, én olyan SZERELMES vagyok. ^__^ Legközelebb ezt az interjút fordítom le. Gondoltam inkább ide postolom, mint a Soundofjapan-re, ahol aztán garantáltan senki nem olvassa el.
--What thoughts do you have about releasing an album in Korea?
"I'm happy that Korean fans can listen to my music. I would like to focus my activities on the 3 countries of Korea, China & Japan. This is just the first step."
--You sing 2 songs in Korean...
"It's only been half a year since I began to study Korean seriously. The pronunciation is very difficult. Despite that, I was happy that I could speak to Korean fans a bit. Next time I want to be able to interpret interviews for myself."
--At the moment, there aren't any commercially successful Japanese musicians in Korea.
[I don't really understand this part, so I'm sorry if I get it wrong >.>;]
"If it's a bad place commercially for Japanese artists to release music, and if all they think about is commercial success, they won't do it. I'm extending my activities to Korea for the purpose of cultural exchange. I hope that Korean people will have an interest in Japan. I have a lot of friends who are Korean but were born and raised in Japan. They've been going through a lot of pain until recently. However, because of the Korean boom, there's been a big change. After all, even if a political solution can't be reached, I think there can be a resolution through cultural exchange."
--What is the meaning of the name 'Gackt'?
"Although I'm from Okinawa, when I was a child, soldiers at the US army base called me 'gaku'. In Japanese this became expressed as 'gakuto', and when written in the alphabet, it became 'gackt'." (he didn't explain the meaning of 'gaku')
--Being born in 1540 is unique.
"I dislike the way people are judged according to their age. Because of that, I once jokingly answered in an interview that I was 450 years old, and from that time, that became my age. Now perhaps I have exceeded 460 years of age."
--Former Guns N' Roses drummer Matt Sorum participated in this album.
"It was a pre-destined encounter. At the time when I was recording in Los Angeles & couldn't find a drummer I liked, I searched for one in the area again, and by chance I met him."
--Do you plan any activities in Korea next year?
"Next year, I plan to do a nation-wide tour in Japan and public performances in Korea. But I don't know whether the performances will be on the same scale as those in Japan. It's likely that the performances will be at live house-scale venues."
There's an article at Yahoo from yesterday about the 'Korean boom' in Japan and the 'j-pop boom' that's started in Korea since the ban on Japanese music was lifted last year. It mentions Gackt as being one of the most popular Japanese artists in Korea ^^
Jövő héten már be tudok menni, kedden lesz az utolsó vizsgám, bár utána kell még írnom egy beadandót, de az már fog menni remélem. Egyébként az a két vizsga, ami először nem sikerült, azok másodszorra sikerültek, viszont most mégvalamiből meghúztak, amiből kedden megyek javítani. Szóval így állunk^^ Jövő hétre vehetsz CD-ket, mert megint van egy csomó minden, amit tudnék adni. (Jó, hát mikor nincsen XD) És most igemorfológiát kéne fordítanom, de van egy olyan érzésem, hogy NEM igemorfológiát fogok fordítani, hanem egyebet. ^^