Itt van egy cikk arrol, hogy a vegetarianus gyerek neveles elfogadott, csak egy kicsit oda kell figyelni ra. Emiatt ebben a topikban ezt sok embernek nem ajanlom, ugyerzem itt sokakban nincs meg a logikus gondolkodas kepessege.
Vegetarian and vegan diets can be a healthy way of eating for all age groups - provided that enough thought is given to balance youngsters’ diets.
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Itt van nehany otlet, akik igy szeretnek nevelni a gyerekeiket:
Ez a cikk azt is irja, hogy 1980-ban felmertek nehany vegetarianus gyerek IQ-at, ami 116-volt, magasabb mint az atlag. A cikk leirja, hogy ez valoszinu nem az etkezes miatt van igy, hanem mert a szulok tanultabbak az atlagnal.
In a 1980 study in Boston, researchers measured the IQs of vegetarian children. Some of the children were following a macrobiotic diet, a few were Seventh-day Adventists (many of whom follow a plant-based diet), and the rest were from families that had simply decided to go vegetarian. On intelligence testing, the kids were considerably above average. The average IQ was 116. Now the diet probably had nothing to do with their intelligence. Rather, these vegetarian families were better educated than the average meat-eating family, and it is probably the parental education, rather than a dietary effect, that was reflected in their children’s measured intelligence.