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Idióta Lars!
Én egy ilyet is találtam:
And then he says on Blabbermouth he's sexually attracted to me. Excuse me, Lars… Maybe [chuckles]… I don't know where that came from. But you know what? I'm not into guys, maybe you are, but I'm not… and you're really sick. I just don't understand what this whole thing is about, and I'd prefer to keep it that way, 'cause as far as I'm concerned, Lars is out of my life. I had aspirations at one point to play with Lars and James again — maybe do something like an original METALLICA kind of reunion thing — but it's over. It's totally 100 percent over. And I think the most interesting thing about the whole process is the acronym of the movie: 'SKOM'."
ui.: azért Mustaine szépen odamondogat Lars-nak a "Something that I'm not"-ban! Sztem a szöveg alapján ezt tuti róla írta, nem?
ui2.: ezeket a re-issued, újra kevert, masterizált stb. albumokat érdemes megvenni? hallottad már |
Előzmény: deliriousnomad (307)