gambitman Creative Commons License 2004.11.05 0 0 463

Ha jók a forrásaim magyar rikisi fog debütálni hamarosan

ezt a hírt küldték a szumó levelezőlistára:


The just-established Chiganoura beya has recruited a Hungarian rikishi.

18 year old Tot Atilla (or something similar) placed third in the World

Junior Sumo Championships held in Osaka in July. 1.86 meters, 140 kilos.

He arrived in Tokyo this evening. " I am Atilla. yoroshiku!!", he said

in very basic Japanese. In 1993, there was a Hungarian rikishi whose

father was Japanese and mother Hungarian. (Does anyone have more

details??) "He's come all the way from Hungary to do Sumo, so that's a

good basis. He will be an excellent motivator for our new Heya!!", said

Chiganoura Oyakata. He'll be arriving in Fukuoka on the eighth, and will

begin studying Japanese and getting used to living together with others

the old Sumo way..


Nem lenne semmi!