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This is the way the Hungarians are writing their history on which they want to base their future and on which they claim their political and historical rights, "aiming in an underhand manner at the territorial expansion toward Great Hungary, as Mr Coriolan Brad concludes in a memorandum. As at present time that goal cannot be achieved using military force, for that reason they have changed their tactics. They use the Hungarian minority of Romania in a dishonest manner. If until World War II they openly raised their claimto Transylvania, currently their fundamentally revisionist claim is masked under the claims of the Hungarian minority of Romania that go far beyond the limits of the law and that can not and are not granted by the Romanian state. As a matter of fact, they know full well that no minority in Europe enjoys so much political and cultural freedom as the Hungarians of Romania enjoy; however, by raising ever greater claims on the one hand they try to achieve the dissolution of Romania's territorial integrity and on the other hand a boycott of Romania's admission in international democratic bodies.
There are still Romanians living in Hungary. I would like to know to what extent the principle of civic equality has been or is being applied objectively for that Romanian minority. After World War I approximately 250,000 Romanians were living in Hungary, concentrated mainly in places around the town of Gyula. According to the Hungarian statistic of 1990, in Hungary remained only approximately 4,800 Romanians. According to Romanian statistics, in 1930 there lived in Transylvania 1,353,276 Hungarians and Szekels (among the Szekels are counted the Romanians forced to live as Szekels), and according to the 1992 census in Romania live 1,620,000 Hungarians (a number that includes all Hungarian-speaking persons, that is Hungarians and Szekels). No need to comment: the above figures speak for themselves, and show where one can see ethnic and cultural genocide going on, and how justified are their laments as a prosecuted ethnic minority in Romania. |