Edmond Dantes Creative Commons License 2004.09.12 0 0 700

Azért Maravich nem pusztán a gólpasszairól volt híres.


Known as Pistol Pete because he shot frequently at the basket, he was elected to the Basketball Hall of Fame in 1987.
He led college basketball in scoring from 1968 to 1970 and finished his college career with an average of 44.2 points per game. He was selected as the college basketball player of the year in 1970.

During his professional career in the National Basketball Association (NBA), Maravich played first for the Atlanta Hawks and then with the New Orleans Jazz and Utah Jazz (the team changed location), and later with the Boston Celtics. He was a first-team NBA All-Star in 1976 and 1977 and a second-team All-Star in 1973 and 1978. He averaged 24.2 points per game in his professional career, and was the top scorer in the NBA in 1977 with a 31.1 points-per-game average.




Előzmény: Hawkeye Pierce (699)