Siamese Twin Creative Commons License 2004.09.07 0 0 7484

Ezt most találtam egy interwievban:

"...this nostalgia is what I need to translate into music. I wrote tens of sad songs for this album and Ross is sorry I did not include them. He believes they're the best of them all. One is the saddest I ever wrote. It's called "The boy I never knew". I played it to who came in the studio, and everyone broke in tears, for so much it was powerful. Too much, for me. I didn't feel like releasing it now, but someday I will".


Lehet überelni a treasure-t, a to whish impossible things-et, trust-ot és going nowhere-t (és sorolhatnám) Ha ez igaz, amit állít, akkor igen. Tán majd egy szólólemezen?