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Far from all fate- groups of East Europe can brag by this deserved reputation as the Hungarian association Solaris. At present group is one of the leaders of European progressiva, confessing interesting simfo-prog with the admixtures of folk- music, and in the late creation now and then approaching also a prog- metal. Moreover the composer and performer level Solaris is so high that the command is inferior in no way to such metram of genre as Camel or Yes.

Solaris was created in 1980 by the students: by guitarist Istvanom Zhiglanom (Istvan Cziglan), klavishnikom by Robert erdezem (Robert Erdesz), by flutist Attila Collar (Attila Kollar), bass Attila seres (Attila Seres) and by striker By vilmosom Totom (Vilmos Toth).

In this composition young people wrote down the only composition of "Solaris", which more lately appeared on the debyutnom album of group, "Marsbeli kronikak" (to "Tyue Martian Chronicles" - Engl., "Marsianskiye Khroniki"). Practically immediately after the record of this thing Solaris they left Attila seres and Vilmos that their place occupied bass Gabor Kizhado (Gabor Kisszabo) and striker Ferenc Routh (Ferenc Raus). At the same time in the group was accepted the second guitarist Of kzaba Bogdan (Csaba Bogdan).

This composition also existed some time; however, to the speed of writing of "Marsbeli kronikak" it again underwent some changes and it was the same: Istvan Of zhiglan, Robert erdez, shock worker Laszlo Gomor (Laszlo Gomor), are bass Tamas Of poks (Tamas Pocs) and Attila Collar.

It goes without saying, "Marsbeli kronikak" they are the very of "prostoy" by the work of group. However, stylistically close to Englishmen Camel and Pink Floyd, but with the large support to electronics and completely instrument, album sounded very contemporary, urgently and "po of zapadnomu": it is difficult to believe, that this plate could leave in the socialist camp! In the support of album the musicians gave many concerts, but soon group was decomposed because of the problems with leyblom.

The part of the musicians formed the group Napoleon Boulevard popular in Hungary. The commercial success of this formation (more than one million sold plates in three years) predetermined restoration Solaris. Contract provided, that partially the material, which entered the new album, must be old, thus far not released, but part - by completely new. So appeared the second numerical of reliz of group, the dual album of "1990";. But to CD-version of "1990" it was added the two additional compositions -bonusa, which did not fall on vinyl. This disk appeared significant more original and more complex music, than debyutnyy of "Marsbeli kronikak". The thought-out polyphony of sonic musical score made it possible to judge, that the musicians considerably grew as composers aranzhirovshchiki.

The group again for a long time became silent after this disk, until is obtained invitation from leybla Musea to the participation in the organized leyblom festival ProgFest. Passed in 1995 in THE USA, in Los city Angeles, concert proved to be so it was good that was published in 1996 on the CD by the name "Live In los Angeles". And again this was double, who consists of 14 living things. As bonusa to it was added studio trek by duration approximately twelve minutes, nowhere published is more.

In 1998 remarkable flutist Attila Collar let out his own solo album of "Musichal Witchcraft". Disk left on leyble Periferic Records, which is specialized in the release of the contemporary Hungarian art- fateful and jazz- fateful groups (for example, on it they leave the CDS of such groups as After Crying, Korai Orom, Kada). The game of Attila is based on Hungarian people music, and also on the music of baroque and renaissance. Certainly, on the album is noticeable the influence of classical music and progressiva. The splendid plate, in the record by which moreover participated other musicians Solaris.

"Musichal Witchcraft" in many respects it interesects the last today studio album Solaris, the pretentious disk of "Nostradamus - Book of Prophecies". As it is already clear from the name, album is dedicated to life and predictions of legendary Nostradamusa. Unfortunately, in the work on the album no longer I could accept the participation Of istvan Of zhiglan: he passed away not long before the record of disk. To him they dedicated Solaris their last studio reliz, which, as always, is most beautiful simfo-prog, with the abundant key-actuated, by expressive flute, and sometimes by almost prog- metallic guitar. Vokal on the album of the man (vocal parties they carried out several singers), but it is very small. The very strong, excellently recorded work, which we imperatively recommend to the acquisition into the collection. In 2000 on Periferic Records left the official bootleg of 1980 of "Bachk to the Roots", on which sounds the large part of the material from debyutnika of "Marsbeli kronikak".



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