van kép is, zene is. :-)"
Jaigen ez a Réka site-ja. Ő LD50 modell, még a madeinjapan fórumjáról ismerem. Ő csinálja az egyik legjobb Klaha fansite-ot, szóval legyünk csak büszkék rá ;) Az oldalon lévő képek közül viszont sok nem jön be és sajnos pont a jobbak. :(
Kérdezted még, hogy ki az az An, csak elfelejtettem válaszolni. Ő is LD50 modell, bár nem ez a legfőbb ismertetőjegye, hanem hogy ILYEN jófej és EKKORA szíve van. Szinte bármelyik visual fórumon megtalálható amúgy, ő amolyan J-rock ősanya. Na ezt remélem soha nem olvassa el, mert utálok másokat szembedícsérni.
Nagy Klaházás közben viszont találtam néhány Gackt idézetet, és annyira kedvesek, hogy gondoltam beteszem őket.
"I've never thought I wanted to imitate anyone. Of course I felt some artists were very great and I admired them, but imitating is just imitating and it can't override the original. So I thought just imitating the original is very dull. I'm not discussing being popular or something, but I believe that only genuine things can reach people's hearts." Asked what kind of music has reached his heart, Gackt says, "I really hate Led Zeppelin, but one time I heard 'Stairway to Heaven', I couldn't stop crying." He can't remember which part affected him a lot, but he says, "I just found I'm crying listening to the music. Because it's an English song, I couldn't understand the lyrics, and I hated Robert Plant's voice, and I hate the whole sound of Led Zeppelin. But even so, I was impressed I was moved by that. It was a kind of shocking thing to me."
Gackt does not believe he can be a pianist in classical music because he says, "I cannot figure out the songs composed by others. I can't reach the very bottom of the songs, and I'm not so genius to search the meaning of the song." Gackt further evaluates this: "In terms of classical music, it is most important to play the music by obeying the rules. I think it's really meaningless to play classical music along with instructions. People emphasize the theory and techniques, but they won't teach the most important things like feelings or heart. When I sing on stage, I've never felt the feeling like 'ecstasy', but I just feel I'm very absorbed in each song on stage. When I sing, each song has it's own story and main character, and sometimes, I'm the main character, and other times I'm rather the narrator, but in any case I'm involved in each stage, so in that sense I cannot feel a kind of 'ecstasy' on stage."
"My facial features has really changed to the level that if a stranger saw my old photographs, he or she might think I had some operation to change my face, and actually some people say I had an operation. But I think if I had an operation, my face should have been more handsome." He adds, "I've never thought my looks were good, so when some people say I'm a very goodlooking guy, I wonder what part they're looking at everytime."
A szerénység. ^___^