Alanis Morissette - 'Out Is Through'
(Monday July 26, 2004 10:43 AM )
Released on 19/07/04
Label: WEA
If this were Morissette’s first single, you’d scarcely believe she’d sold ten records, never mind ten million. Lacking in all distinctive traits (aside from that affected ‘urrrr’ sound she makes, like a moose whose hoof has been stood on) it’s as formulaic and functional as you have to be when you’re aiming for the middle of the middle American market.
And while her success with “Jagged Little Pill” was at least fathomable – ie behind all the navel-gazing and outpouring of ‘issues’ there were big stonking tunes – this is just an empty bucket with a hole in the bottom.
Having sold about all those records back in 1995 you have to wonder why Alanis would choose to be quite so conservative. Or why she doesn’t pick up on some issues other than herself. She obviously doesn’t need the $ anymore so why not try and do something less boring instead? Maybe she doesn’t exist at all, or, maybe in some sinister Stepford-like plot she’s just an invented medium to fill the airwaves with unthreatening sound.
Whatever. To really get a feel for this song, just close your eyes tightly and imagine the end credits rolling up in a Julia Roberts movie.