Remélem Kaslik Péter úr, torontóban élő vajdasági magyar, nem orrol meg rám, hogy közzéteszem ezt a dokumentumot:
Az általam vezetett torontói Magyar Emberi Jogok Monitora tudomást szerzett róla, hogy Svend Robinsom, kanadai szövetségi képviselo 1999 május 17.-én Szerbiába utazik a helyzet minkét oldalú kivizsgálására. Levelet írtunk Svend Robisonnak, amelyben felkértük, hogy Milosevicnak hozza tudomására a vajdasági magyarok panaszait, és, hogy találkozzon Ágoston Andrással, a (történelmi) VMDK egykori vezetojével és a jelenlegi Vajdasági Magyar Demokrata Párt elnökével. Hiteles és idoszeru adatokra támaszkodó dokumentumot készítettünk a vajdasági magyarok veszélyeztetett helyzetérol és azt a Vancouveri magyarok átadták Svend Robinsonnak (tekintettel arra, hogy Robinson Vancouver-t és környékét képviseli a kanadai parlamentben. Irataink áttanulmányozása után, Svend Robinson beleegyezett, hogy Milosevicnek tudtára adja a vajdasági magyarok kérelmeit, és, hogy Ágostonnal is hajlandó találkozni Belgrádban. Itt vagyunk mi "Nagyérzelmu kanadaiak" Vállaljuk a feladat ránkeso részét. Tesszük, amit tenni kell és lehet. Baráti üdvözlettel Kaslik Péter, Toronto E-Mail:
Információként csatolom a Svend Robinson kanadai szövetségi képviselonek küldött anyag egy részét.
The Hon. Swend Robinson, MP Burnaby-Douglas
Dear Sir!
The Hungarian Canadian Community is pleased to learn of your plans to visit Serbia on a fact finding mission in the recent future. We trust that you will strive to obtain information about the full extent of ethnic cleansing throughout Serbia, including Kosovo and Vojvodina. As Hungarian Canadians, and as concerned Canadian citizens, we would like to ask you that during your meeting with the Serb authorities, please speak out on behalf of the ethnic Hungarians in Vojvodina, who are completely unprotected from the genocidal policies of the current Serb government. A recent article in the Toronto Star of April 15, 1999 titled: Hungary gets new ethnic exodus clearly warns of the potential danger of an imminent ethnic cleansing campaign against ethnic Hungarians in Vojvodina. Despite the fact that the Hungarians of Vojvodina have used the ballot box, not street protests or guerrilla fighting to reassert their rigt to survive as a distinct ethnic group in Europe, their autonomy has been revoked at the same time, and in the same manner, as that of Kosovo. The planning and the execution of the policy of ethnic cleansing of national minorities in Serbia has started long time before the present NATO action, and the current bombing of Serbia. As far as the prospects of the ultimate fate and survival of Hungarians of Vojvodina is concerned, there is no substantial difference between the prospects of survival of Kosovar Albanians, and the perceived future survival of Hungarians in Vojvodina. The Hungarians and the other non-Serb nationalities in Vojvodina are being oppressed and persecuted in present day Serbia for not for what they have done, but for who they are and what religious denominations they belong to. We feel that speaking out during your visit to Serbia on behalf of our brethren, the 350,000 strong ethnic Hungarians in Vojvodina would be consistent with your recent statement that diplomacy and the secession of force is sufficient to halt ethnic cleansing in Serbia. We are very concerned about the fate and the future survival of our brethren in Vojvodina, since they live in a country whose government has embarked on a course of systematically eliminating its minorities under its jurisdiction. In the followings, please, allow us to provide a concise background of the ongoing human rights and other violations instituted against ethnic Hungarians in the past decade: · The forced and disproportionate conscription of Hungarians from Vojvodina to the Yugoslav Army has forced tens of thousands of military age young Hungarians to leave Vojvodina and to seek asylum outside the country. In order to remain in their homeland, military age young Hungarians from Vojvodina are forced to engage in activities fostering the brutal and inhumane ethnic cleansing of their fellow citizens.
· The "quite" ethnic cleansing in Vojvodina is taking place as we speak, and it has been going on unabated for the past ten years, and by now it has decimated the Hungarian community in Vojvodina. Due to Serb intimidation, treats, and discrimination, more than 50,000 ethnic Hungarians were forced to flee Vojvodina.
· The ethnic balance of Vojvodina has been forcibly altered by the planned and calculated action of the Serb government to settle more than 200, 000 Serbs Krajina refugees amidst the Hungarian settlements in Vojvodina.
· At the present time, the ethnic Hungarians in Vojvodina are being systematically harassed, verbally and physically abused, and their rights are systematically obliterated. (Please see Attachment 2)
For more than a decade, the repeated pleas and well documented petitions describing the grave and dangerous situation of ethnic Hungarians in Vojvodina are systematically ignored by the Serb government. The Hungarians of Vojvodina did not take up arms against their Serb oppressors, yet the "quiet" ethnic cleansing against this indigenous population in Europe continues unabated for almost a decade. The Hungarians in Vojvodina have participated in all of the elections, and they use only peaceful means to ensure their safety and future survival. The representatives of the ethnic Hungarians in Vojvodina are trying restore the rights and to provide protection for ethnic Hungarians through the Yugoslav Parliament, and from the leaders of the Serb Government, but their well founded complains are systematically ignored and their well documented petitions are treated with cynicism and false promises. Dear Mr. Robinson! If you truly believe that diplomacy at this point can produce results and save innocent lives, please consider the predicament of all the ethnic groups currently endangered by the Serb government policy of ethnic cleansing, including the plea of ethnic Hungarians in Vojvodina. We ask you that during your upcoming visit to Serbia, please speak out on behalf of their collective and human rights. We urge you that during your meeting with the Serb officials demand of the current Serb government to stop the "quiet" ethnic cleansing against all its citizens, including dthe ethnic Hungarians in Vojvodina.During your visit to Serbia, as proof that diplomacy really works, please ask the Serb government to allow all its citizens to live on human terms and conditions comparable to the values and standards of the civilized world .Please, ask the Serb officials to restore the autonomy and the rights of ethnic Hungarians in Vojvodina, and to refrain from inciting any form of violence against the ethnic Hungarians in Vojvodina. Dated at…………………1999
Sincerely yours
1. The "quite" ethnic cleansing in Vojvodina is taking place as we speak, and it has been going on unabated for the past ten years, and by now it has decimated the Hungarian community in Vojvodina. Due to Serb intimidation, treats, and discrimination, more than 50,000 ethnic Hungarians were forced to flee Vojvodina.
2. The ethnic balance of Vojvodina has been forcibly altered by the planned and calculated action of the Serb government to settle more than 200, 000 Serbs Krajina refugees amidst the Hungarian settlements in Vojvodina.
3. The forced and disproportionate conscription of Hungarians from Vojvodina to the Yugoslav Army has forced tens of thousands of military age young Hungarians to leave Vojvodina and to seek asylum outside the country.
SPECIFICS 1. The ethnic Hungarians in Vojvodina are being systematically harassed, verbally and physically abused, and their rights are systematically obliterated.
2. The offices of the Federation of Hungarians in Vojvodina (FHV) frequently receive complains stating that in settlements with mixed populations during public gatherings, the Serb youth and the youth resettled to Vojvodina from Montenegro are physically attacking and abusing young ethnic Hungarian men and women.
3. In many localities, Hungarians in Vojvodina are afraid to leave their home after dark, because gangs of Serb youth are terrorizing and beating them. The authorities do not take any action to prevent these incidents, or to investigate the complaints of the ethnic Hungarians.
4.The discrimination against ethnic Hungarians in holding public offices is tantamount to ethnic cleansing. There are very few ethnic Hungarians in government services, post offices, courts, and in the Police Departments.
5. The ethnic Hungarian engineers, and technicians are systematically being dismissed from their jobs and replaced by Serb employees.
6. The representation of ethnic Hungarians is nearly completely absent from Government Committees, Board of Directors, School Boards, and University Committees.
7. In the health facilities, institutions and hospitals, an ethnic Hungarian can only hold a leading position, if he/she is a member of the ruling Socialist Party, or a member the Yugoslav Leftist Party.
8. Ethnic Hungarians are being discriminated against through the hiring process. They are denied opportunities and permits to start new businesses, and they are being discriminated against in marketing their products.
9. In many instances, the citizens of Serb villages, or the members of the ruling Socialist Party, and the members of the Yugoslav Leftist Party will receive the payment for their agricultural products before the ethnic Hungarians do.
10.In the majority populated Hungarian settlement, the tax collectors appear more frequently and act more heavy handed than in Serb majority settlements.
11. The Hungarian teachers approaching retirement, are being systematically demoted and assigned to demeaning duties, and replaced by Serb instructors, who are incapable of teaching Hungarian students, since they don't speak the language.
12. The school principals are actively engaged in dissuading the Hungarian parents to register their children to Hungarian classes. This practice contributes a great deal to the diminishing of Hungarian Language instructions in schools in Vojvodina.
13. In many communities, the regulations about posting bilingual signs are purposely ignored.
14. In public offices, the clerks very often resort to abusive language in dealing with ethnic Hungarians, requesting that they speak Serbian.
15.In public places, such as railroad stations, the announcements are made only in Serbian Language.
The justified complains of the Hungarian representatives have been systematically ignored by the leading Serb officials. In response to the repeated complains of the Hungarian representatives, the ruling Serb officials have feigned surprise and disbelief, insisting that these occurrences must constitute mere aberrations and exceptions.
Presently, there is a clear and imminent danger that the Serb nationalists would retaliate against Vojvodina. for Hungary's involvement in the NATO campaign. An article in the Toronto Star of April 15, 1999 titled: Hungary gets new ethnic exodus clearly warns of the potential danger of Serb retaliation against ethnic Hungarians in Vojvodina. ( Please see Attachment 1. )
Eddig tart Kaslik úr anyaga.