Zombie Creative Commons License 2004.04.28 0 0 3487
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The highest snooker break is Wally West's 151. He made the break in the final of a club handicap at Hounslow Lucania in 1976 against Butch Rogers.

Wally won the first frame with the aid of a 104. In the second, Butch clipped the blue and left Wally snookered. Wally potted green as his free ball with a brown to follow. He then took 14 red and blacks and a pink off the last red. He then cleared up to make the 151.

On 23 April 2003 Jamie Cope made a 151 break on the match table at The Reardon Snooker Club (Hanley Stoke-on-Trent) during a practise game with David Fomm-Ward. After a foul shot by his opponent Jamie was snookered behind the Brown ball. He took the Brown as the free ball and then potted Blue, 8 Red and 8 Black, 2 Red and 2 Pink, 5 Red and 5 Black. Then cleared all the colours. Jamie is a professional snooker player from Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire, England, and was 17 years old at the time.

egyebek: http://www.laboremus.no/Snooker/Plr/records.shtml

Előzmény: potika (3485)