Nem gyáva, áhhh.
Mindössze törölték a Ragika nicket nyilvánosan elkövetett, többrendbeli zaklatás és ámokfutás miatt.
Azóta megfialt, és több nicken rontja itt a levegőt (Százbalhé, Harangozó Úr, villanykaró, ... stb., ékezetekre tessenek figyelni.).
Hogy ON is legyek kicsit, erről beszéltem (panoráma épületfotók) :
A fotósról (aki csak egy földhözragadt ejrópai):
Kevin Sansbury has joined a group of elite photographers in Europe by gaining his QEP (Qualified European Photographer). To date only 130 photographers hold this qualification.
Kevin’s work takes him to many locations within the UK, Europe and Russia. A true location photographer, no distance is too far. No job is too large or too small and all receive the same meticulous attention to detail.
Kevin is an established innovator using the right equipment for the right job - 5x4, medium format or 35mm and images can be supplied as digital files or on film.
"This site shows a small selection of my work for a wide variety of national and multinational clients. I have won Architectural and Industrial Photographer of the Year plus numerous gold and silver awards from The British Institute of Professional Photography."