Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.02.04 0 0 380
"A "Bowling for Columbine"-ban van egy betet-rajzfilm az amerikai tortenelemrol (gondolom a filmet nem lattad, ezert reszletezem), amit a South Park alkotoi keszitettek. Nezd meg, es utana kivancsi leszek mennyiben valtozik a velemenyed..."

Bar nem nekem cimezted a kerdest, azert valaszolok ra.
En lattam ezt a filmet, es nem kis botranyt kavart az usaban, es nem kis felhaborodast, fokeppen azert, mert a film keszitoje vegig manipulal, hazudik, es megteveszt. Az amerikai republikanus tobbseg melyen elitelte a filmet, es nem kevesbe a film keszitojenek "a hulye feherember" cimu konyvet.

egy kis olvasnivalo angolul a south park betetrol:
3. Animated sequence equating NRA with KKK. In an animated history send-up, with the narrator talking rapidly, Bowling equates the NRA with the Klan, suggesting NRA was founded in 1871, "the same year that the Klan became an illegal terrorist organization." Bowling goes on to depict Klansmen becoming the NRA and an NRA character helping to light a burning cross.

This sequence is intended to create the impression either that NRA and the Klan were parallel groups or that when the Klan was outlawed its members formed the NRA.

Both impressions are not merely false, but directly opposed to the real facts.

Fact: The NRA was founded in 1871 -- by act of the New York Legislature, at request of former Union officers. The Klan was founded in 1866, and quickly became a terrorist organization. One might claim that while it was an organization and a terrorist one, it technically became an "illegal" such with passage of the federal Ku Klux Klan Act and Enforcement Act in 1871. These criminalized interference with civil rights, and empowered the President to use troops to suppress the Klan. (Although we'd have to acknowledge that murder, terror and arson were illegal long before that time -- the Klan hadn't been operating legally until 1871, it was operating illegally with the connivance of law enforcement.)

Fact: The Klan Act and Enforcement Act were signed into law by President Ulysess S. Grant. Grant used their provisions vigorously, suspending habeas corpus and deploying troops; under his leadership over 5,000 arrests were made and the Klan was dealt a serious (if all too short-lived) blow.

Fact: Grant's vigor in disrupting the Klan earned him unpopularity among many whites, but Frederick Douglass praised him, and an associate of Douglass wrote that African-Americans "will ever cherish a grateful remembrance of his name, fame and great services."

Fact: After Grant left the White House, the NRA elected him as its eighth president.

Fact: After Grant's term, the NRA elected General Philip Sheridan, who had removed the governors of Texas and Lousiana for failure to suppress the KKK.

Fact: The affinity of NRA for enemies of the Klan is hardly surprising. The NRA was founded by former Union officers, and eight of its first ten presidents were Union veterans.

Fact: During the 1950s and 1960s, groups of blacks organized as NRA chapters in order to obtain surplus military rifles to fight off Klansmen.


es itt az egesz leiras a film hazugsagairol, es felrevezeteserol:

"A Woddy Allen filmekben pedig Woody altalaban lepattant zsido ertelmisegit alakit, es igencsak szatirikusan beszel sajat zsidosagarol..."

Valoban a sajat zsidosagat gunyolja ki gyakran, de nem a zsido tortenelmet, nem a zsido nep eredetet es gyokeret, hanem a napjainkban megnyilvanulo viselkedeseket, politikai, muveszeti hozzaallasaokat, es a zsidosag mai szokasait.

Előzmény: dolphin (338)