ChrisRea Creative Commons License 2004.01.27 0 0 748
egy Portugal Miki honlapjarol:

Isabel Simőes
2004-01-27 02:34:00
In one minute we are smiling, in the other we cry. All Portugal is crying for the lost of a young soccer player, who sad destiny was to die far away from his family and country.
All Portugal is crying because of you Miki...everybody is joined in Benfica stadium for a last goodbye. Thousands of people are at this time in the rain and cold, wainting until they can enter the stadium, to put a flower over you and say - Will miss you.
You achieved the gathering of footbal fans of all the portugal clubs, to forget about their colours and we se them huging each other at the street, crying for you.
I don't know how your fellow workers, and all the Benfica staff will react after you left them. It's going to be hard. One thing's for sure: your shirt, your 29 number, will never be dressed by anyone. And, many years from now we'll tell our children why Benfica as no number 29, and they will smile and we'll say that's because there will be no man like one...Miklos Fehér.
Que Deus te guarde.