BHackett Creative Commons License 2004.01.23 0 0 1693
Az alábbi linken (nem hivatalos DUNE oldal) találtam egy érdekes nyilatkozatot a Dűne 7-ről. Ami nem is csak 7, hanem már 8-is.:-))


Approximately one year later, we expect to publish the first of two “Dune 7" novels. The first, in 2005, has the working title HUNTERS OF DUNE. The second, in 2006, has the working title SANDWORMS OF DUNE. Both are Frank Herbert titles, for various stories he was writing in his Dune universe - and should give the fans some clue about the direction we intend to take with each novel. Since there are twelve Dune novels preceding “Dune 7,” we could not tell the climactic story in one novel, and needed to do it in two books. We also hope to publish THE ROAD TO DUNE in the spring of 2006, which will be a collection of unpublished chapters and scenes written by Frank Herbert, along with essays and other commentary.

Előzmény: Vegetable (1692)