Zsuu Creative Commons License 2003.12.29 0 0 1035
BoSox-Fan öröklooser ír-amerikai barátom nagyon örül, hogy Astros-fan lettem.

Szegény Steinbrenner rosszul lett, most már jobban van. Biztos sokan megátkozták.
Idézet a Sarasota Herald-Tribune újságírójától, Doug Fernandes-től:

"He went to reach for a chair but he missed, and he went face-first into the carpet," Fernandes said. "People were stunned. They started loosening his tie and his collar. He was out for a few seconds. By the time they wheeled him out, his color had returned."

Na B.ú.é.k. Mindenkinek!

Előzmény: fighting (1033)