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"I didn't find the translation in English of the word "pinarago". I suppose this is the hungarian word for a specific kind of fish. "

Egy levélváltás egy angolanyanyelvű hölgy és a Sztaki szótárszerkesztője

"Dear sir,
My name is Diana and I have visited your web site with a very good on line hungarian-english dictionary. Unfortunately, I didn't find the translation in English of the word "pinarago". I suppose this is the hungarian word for a specific kind of fish. I suppose, also, that "pinarago" is a very rare fish, because I couldn't find it anywhere on the web (google, yahoo, altavista). Could you tell me, please, the english or french word for this fish? Thank you very much in advance, Diana "

"Dear Diana,

when I first read your email I thought someone must have been joking with you, because "pinarago" didn't really sound like a fish to me. Instead it sounds more like slang or cursing. That's because the word-by-word meaning of "pinarago" is "pussy chewer" or "pussy bubblegum"

Then I did a search with Google and found this:

"pinarágó: aprótermetű hal (valószínűleg vágócsík, lat.Cobitis taenia), leánykák elrettentésére használják: pl. ne menj a mélyvízbe, mert ott a pinarágó"

This means: "pinarago: small fish ('vágócsík' in another word, or Cobitis taenia in Latin) used to deter girls. For example: don't go into the deep water, because there is the pinarágó".

"pinarágó" is used by székelys - Hungarians living in Transylvania.

You made me learn something new, and I hope I could help you as well.

Best regards,