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This is an interview with Bruce. It is quite short, so I think it is just excript from a longer interview.
Bruce, there are some thoughts that new Dance Of Death is much stronger record than Brave New World was. Do you agree?
Bruce: I would say it is much completed, songs are deeper, it is more ''rounded'' ( I translated this literarly, I'm not sure for the right word). Brave New World was classic Iron Maiden album, not bad at all, but Dance of death is more attractive, it has stronger character.
Except No More Lies, all songs are signed by different combinations of band members. So can you tell us how looks your work on the song?
Bruce: We aren't all in the same room at the same time, usually there are two or three of us. Janick and Steve do the melody, then they call me to make lyrics. Then we together decide where, wehen and how should vocal melody be developed, and that is the main part of job.
There are few epic songs on Dance Of Death with historical theme's, such as Montsegur and Paschendale. Why do you find that much inspiration in historical events?
Bruce: Songs about medieval battles and massive slaughters, in certain way, are typical thematic for nature of Iron Maiden. Histroy gives us great stories from which you can see analogy to present events. It's much better to describe something that really happend, rather than making up epics.
What songs will you be performing on this world tour?
Bruce: Journeyman – with out doubt, "Rainmaker", "Paschendale"… Then Dance Of Death, that song is great for my scene trics. Paschendale will be specially spectacular, with explosions, light effects, cannons and that stuff.
Beside your singing in Iron Maiden, You work as a pilot and in radio station. How can you adjust to all that?
Bruce: Yes, I am, unfortunatelly, one of those people who can't sit still for five minutes. Life is given to us to pull the best we can from it, and that's why I'm in movement all the time, I'm allways trying to do something new. That applies to all in my life; but I never felt imperative to experiment with drugs, or to put my hand in fire just to see how that looks like. I don't allow myself to be occupied with the fact that I'm singing in world famous rock band. I just want to do my job corectly. I don't see myself as fans do. I don't think of myself as a big star, although it's nice to pretend.
Give me Ed tour is behind you. Any thoughts about upcomming DOD tour?
Bruce: Yes, I'm very happy because of this new tour. On our last tour ( Give Me Ed ) we did songs people wanted to hear, songs from our ''treasure box'', but this is a tour that prmotes new album, different feeling on concerts. On this tour music will talk!
That's it. Not much, I know… I did my best. Sorry about mistakes, not my native language.