Korábban itt egy kedves fórumozó nekiállt engem szapulni, hogy hülyeséget írtam a CloneCD-vel illetve annak fejlesztésével kapcsolatban (azt írtam, hogy bizonyos források szerint leállt a fejlesztés). Íme az újabb fejlemények, illetve az Elaborate-Bytes vezetőjének (a CloneCD fejlesztőjének) egy igen friss "nyilatkozata" a CDfreaks fórumából kióllózva:
"... ever heard of the new European copyright law? This makes CloneCD and Blindwrite illegal in all european countries (AFAIK in Italy and Austria it already is, in Germany it will be within the next days). Don't argue, that "this law isn't yet an active law" in France, it won't help you much, I am afraid, especially if you sell to Germany...
Further I am not so sure about SONY's patents for SecuRom (copying this protection might violate their patents - if they have patented it -, especially the "Plextor Premium" trick). They once tried to sue me because of the "Don't repair Subchannel option" in CloneCD, not to mention Macrovision's constant threats.
Unfortunately moving out of the EU to Switzerland didn't help as much as we first thought, because of many bilateral agreements between Switzerland and the EU.
So, "all good things must come to an end". CloneCD has been the leader of the pack for many years. Without CloneCD things would be diffrerent today, I am sure. And all CloneCD updates always have been free in the past.
To Kamikazee: Don't blame me. Blame the politicians. Stop whining, get political active.
BTW, I know of a company called "SlySoft" in Antigua. They would be very happy to market all kinds of "copy software". We are already negotiating, they show big interest in CloneCD..."