Sith folytatás ( nem láttam, hogy ilyen hosszú, azt hittem, hogy ez valami más )
In the end, the Sith destroyed themselves. They destroyed their leader first,
then each other. What few survived the initial bloodbath were soon dispatched
by the watchful Jedi. In a matter of week of only weeks, all of them died.
All but one.
Darth Maul shifted impatiently. The younger Sith had not yet learned his
master's patience; that would come with time and training. It was patience
that had saved the Sith order in the end. It was patience that would give them
their victory over the Jedi.
The Sith who had survived when all of his fellows had died had understood
that. He had adopted patience as his virtue when the other had forsaken it. He
had adopted cunning, stealth, and subterfuge as the foundation of his way-old
Jedi virtues the others disdained. He stood aside while the other Sith tore
each other like kriks and were destroyed. When the carnage was complete,
he went into hiding, biding his time, waiting for his chance.
When it was believed all of the Sith were destroyed, he emerged from his
concealment. At first his worked alone, but he was growing old and he was
the last of his kind. Eventually, he went out in search of an apprentice.
Finding one, he trained him to be a Aster in his turn, then to find an
apprentice, and so to carry one their work. But there would only be two at any
one time. There would be no repetition of mistakes of the old order, no
struggle between Siths warring for power within the cult. Their common enemy
was the Jedi, not each other. It was for their war with the Jedi they save
The Sith who reinvented the order called himself Darth Bane.
A thousand years had passed since the Sith were believed to be destroyed,
and the time they had waited for had come at last.