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A Sith-ről
page 134
His thoughts were with the Sith and of the history of their order.
The Sith had come into being almost two thousand years ago. They were a
cult given over to the dark side of the Force, embracing fully the concept that
power denied was power wasted. A rouge Jedi Knight had founded the Sith, a
singular dissident in an order of harmonious followers, a rebel who understood
from the beginning the real power of the Force lay not in the light, but the
dark. Failing to gain approval of his beliefs from the Council, he had broken
with the order, departing with his knowledge and his skill, swearing in secret
that he could bring down those who had dismissed him.
He was alone at first, but others from the Jedi order who believed as he did
and who had followed him in his study of the dark side soon came over. Other
were recruited, and soon the ranks of the Sith swelled to more than fifty in
number. Disdaining the concepts of cooperation and consensus, relying on
the belief that acquisition of power in any form lends strength and yields
control, the Sith began to build their cult in opposition the Jedi. Theirs was not
an order created to serve; theirs was an order created to dominate.
Their war with the Jedi was vengeful and furious and ultimately doomed. The
rouge Jedi who founded the Sith order was its nominal leader, but his ambition
excluded any sharing of power. His disciples began to conspire against him
and each other almost from the beginning, so that the war they instigated was
as much with each other as it was with the Jedi.