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Én a Lost target="_blank">Lost America-t is nagyon szeretem.
Correct me if I'm wrong, I understand it was built by "East coast gambling interests". It was used for only 2 and a half seasons and has stood abandoned for over 30 years.
It took a bit of exploration, but I found a way in. This is one of the lobbies. That escalator heads up several storys into the upper decks of the stands where thousands of pigeons live in the rafters. The whole inside of the seating area is covered with an inch or two of their droppings. A very dark and spooky place. This is a sad fate for such an evocative piece of Jetsons era architecture.
Eszmeletlen. Tobb100 tonna acel es beton rohad 30éve a sivatagban. Mert minek is lebontani ha a telek szarnak sem kell?
Gondolom tobbszáz hasonlo "kincses-sziget" van szetszorva az Államokban.
Előzmény: sylon (397)