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Az összeesküvés-elméletek kedvelőinek:

President Bush Holds Town Hall Meeting
Aired December 4, 2001 - 15:18 ET

WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: President Bush is down in Orlando, Florida at the Orlando Convention Center. He is about to begin a town meeting on the economy, although a lot of questions, presumably, will come on other issues including the war on terrorism. The president will open up with some remarks, then continue with questions from the audience. Let's listen to the president and his guests down in Orlando.


QUESTION: One thing, Mr. President, is that you have no idea how much you've done for this country, and another thing is that how did you feel when you heard about the terrorist attack?

BUSH: Well...


Thank you, Jordan (ph).

Well, Jordan (ph), you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida. And my chief of staff, Andy Card -- actually I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said, "There's one terrible pilot." And I said, "It must have been a horrible accident."

But I was whisked off there -- I didn't have much time to think about it, and I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my chief who was sitting over here walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower. America's under attack."

A Guardian
megjegyzése az üggyel kapcsolatban:
The story that he was watching TV contradicts reports from correspondents at the time that he got the news in a phone call from his national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice. It also adds further puzzles: why he was being made to wait; why he did not at least delay his entry into the classroom; and why is it obvious that an elementary school would have a TV set in the corridor?

Ám ők is +feledkeznek a legzavaróbb részletről: az első gép becsapódását nem közvetítette élőben 1ik TV-társaság sem, az 1etlen amatőr felvétel csak jóval később került elő...