Cs. András Creative Commons License 2003.01.22 0 0 146
A jelenlegi rendszerben a kis kiadók és a mainstream-en kívüli előadók járnak rosszul a letöltések miatt.

Robbie Williams has faced being criticised after he said he thought music piracy was great. "I think it's great, really I do. There is nothing anyone can do about it. I am sure that my record label would hate me for saying it, and my manager and my accountants."

Persze, mert ő megteheti, hogy ilyeneket mondjon. De Yonderboinak & az UCMG-nek már komoly gondjai voltak, amiért az albumot mindenki letöltötte a netről.


It could be great news for music fans - CD prices could fall if a campaign launched by the European music industry is successful.

The "Give us a break" campaign has the backing of musicians, publishers and major record labels and comes after CD sales across Europe have fallen in the past few years.

Lower CD sales have been blamed on music piracy and illegal internet music download sites, and the music industry sees the removal of 17.3 % VAT as the way to reverse the trend and boost sales.

Előzmény: Mike73 (145)