beezer: mondtam en, hogy hazudsz? csak a cimeket kerdeztem :) de ha mar nem arulod el, legalabb azt mondd meg, jol gondolom-e! europaek ugyanis buick 8-et, black house-t es talan everything's eventualt igertek jovore. szerintem az elso ketto a tied, az eventual biztos a muller berni forditja :) egyebkent miert lenne uzleti titok? nem az a celja a kiadoknak, hogy tajekoztassak az olvasokat a terveikrol, ilyesmi? ok, te csak forditod, de akkor is.
vaskalap: a christine-t falvay mihaly forditotta. king meg tok jo zeneket hallgat. creedence clearwater revivalt, peldaul (idezgetni is szokott toluk a fejezetek elott). ja, a velcro fly szovege:
Hey, look at the hooks
on your pants makes you wanna dance.
I say yeah yeah,
I say yeah yeah.
There ain't never a catch, all you got to do is snatch,
do the velcro fly,
do the velcro fly.
You need just enough of that sticky stuff
to hold the seams of your fine blue jeans.
I say yeah yeah.
I say yeah yeah.
There ain't never a catch, all you got to do is snatch,
do the velcro fly,
do the velcro fly.
Well, it feels so right when you squeezed it tight,
when you reach the end do it over again.
I say yeah yeah.
I say yeah yeah.
There ain't never a catch, all you got to do is snatch,
do the velcro fly,
do the velcro fly.