Zolcsi Baba Creative Commons License 2002.07.31 0 0 5831
Fangmeyer mester írá /de nemcsak a te íródról.../:
"2) Unfortunaty, the vendor of this writer seems not be interessted in a good support of his drive by Feurio!. We send a question to him about getting technical documentaion and/or an evaluation-drive; he does not send either.
So, it might be possible that the drive does not work correctly, especially some special functions (e.g. CD-Text, leave CD open, index-0 music) might not work correctly.
In sight of these facts, we do not recommand the use of this writer with Feurio! at this time."

Hogy ki a hülye /a szoftveres vagy a hardveres/, mindenkinek a belátására bízom... ;o)

Előzmény: RogerWilco (5829)