Rockstar Creative Commons License 2002.06.30 0 0 380
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Sex Pistols front man John Lydon's 1994 autobiography "Rotten: No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs" is being turned into a feature film. The movie will be directed by Penelope Spheeris, who directed the 1981 LA punk documentary "The Decline of Western Civilization" (and some little film called "Wayne's World"). The film has been budgeted at about $8 million and will be produced by Rhino Films and Panacea Entertainment. Shooting is planned to begin early next year. Lydon will be involved as a creative consultant, the script is being written by Jeremy Drysdale. Describing the look of the film, As far as the look of the film, Spheeris was quoted in Billboard with saying "Being that it's punk rock, I think it has to be pretty fast and furious and raggedy."

Előzmény: Rockstar (378)