excusat Creative Commons License 2002.04.27 0 0 23
...kicsit elcsendesedik a légycsapó csattogása, a legyek kezdenek elszemtelenedni ...világos ügy, bérmártírra épp nem futja, fegyvesektől félnek, marad a könnyű célpont, civilek a faluban ...természetesen, Allah mégnagyobb dicsőségére ...hősiesen :-(((

Saturday, 27 April, 2002, 09:00 GMT 10:00 UK
Five Israelis die in West Bank raid

"Israeli police say five people have been killed and several injured in an attack on a West Bank settlement by at least one Palestinian gunman.
Israeli soldiers are searching the Adora Jewish settlement near Hebron amid reports that the attacker may be holed up in one of the houses there, possibly with hostages.

Around 14 people wounded in the attack were evacuated to hospital, the head of the area's ambulance service said.

Police and local radio said five people were killed when one or two Palestinian militants infiltrated the settlement and opened fire on residents.

It is the first deadly Palestinian attack on Israelis since a suicide bomber killed six people near a Jerusalem market on 12 April. (...)"
