Tom1st__ Creative Commons License 2002.04.20 0 0 5712
Linux beta server ready for Steam testin Apr 20, 14:55 Leon Hartwig

The Linux dedicated server is now ready to be tested on Steam. There are still some compatibility issues with Linux and Steam; the Linux server doesn't yet support Steam IDs. Consequently, all clients who connect will have the same WON ID, just like they did in the earlier stages of the Steam test. This means that for now, you won't be able to ban people. We are working on this, however, and should have that problem remedied for you soon.

The Linux server is not an actual Steam application like the Steam Windows server is. This means that you download, install, and run the Linux server just as you have always done in the past. Information about getting the files is below. The 'full' packages can be installed without any prior installation, as always. The 'upgrade' packages will work when installed over the last release, i.e. the HL 3109 upgrade can be installed on top of HL 3108 and the CS 1.4 upgrade can be installed on top of CS 1.3.
login: hlserver
pass: hlserver

Directory: Beta/Steam/Linux

=== ====
ee5b60e475078bedf0d1561514a7238c hlds_l_3109rc1_full.tar.gz
5722a5829f6231099b47e386c8d6e0bb hlds_l_3109rc1_upgrade.tar.gz

c98db37c36f6e93300a8d6c7afd17b9d cs_14rc1_full.tar.gz
f4bff05e96d9c7ea0f2e054ed774f3de cs_14rc1_upgrade.tar.gz