Az erdeklodoknek ajanlom Noam Chomsky "9-11" c. nemreg megjelent konyvet. :-)))
Bar palozc-t egy kicsit feltem, hogy felhuzza magat ... de amilyen polihisztor ugyis bebizonyitja, hogy Chomsky tehetsegtelen nyelvesz, politologus, stb. es csak-es-kizaro-jelleggel Bush szava a mervado, az ilyen maskeppgondolkodo kis "senkike" nem ;-)))).
Ket idezetet kedvcsinalonak:
"Perhaps I may quote political scientist Michael Stohl:>>We must recognize that by convention - and it must be emphasized only by convention - great power use and the threat of the use of force is normally described as coercive diplomacy and not as a form of terrorism<<, though it commonly involves >>the threat and often the use of violence for what would be described as terroristic purposes were it not great powers who were pursuing the very same tactic<<, in accord with the literal meaning of the term. [...] The quote I just gave is cited in a survey volume called Western State Terrorism, edited by Alex George and published by major publishers 10 years ago, but unmentionable in the United States."
"Such terrorist atricities are gift to the harshest and most repressive elements on all sides, and are sure to be exploited - already have been in fact - to accelerate the agenda of militarization, regimentation, reversal of social democratic programs, transfer of wealth to narrow sectors, and undermining democracy in any meaningful form. But that will not happen without resistance, and Idoubt that it will succeed, except in the short term."