Dr. Jekill Creative Commons License 2001.10.28 0 0 10
Hát ez nehéz szülés volt de végül csak sikerült.
Egyébként igazad van free_styler , már nem forog az agyam, bocsesz.
Köszönöm kicsibarsonytalpunak a segítőkézséget de a német nyelvű változathoz nem tudok hozzájutni, azért aranyos vagy, köszi.
Ha pedig ezt valaki nekem lefordítja annak hálám a sírig.
Tehát a levél:

Thanks for signing the petition in support of the oppressed and enchained
women of Afghanistan!

Please note that to sign our petition is the least you can do to help suffering Afghan women.

You can help us in many more MEANINGFUL and PRACTICAL ways: As the only anti-fundamentalist feminist organization struggling for democracy and women’s rights under the siege of mediaeval-minded terrorists, RAWA is in dire need of funds to continue its hard struggle against the fundamentalist bands and implement its tens of projects in educational, healthcare, income generation, cultural and propaganda fields. Your donation will really make a difference.

Sale/distribution of RAWA publications among your friends and interested people would be a worthy contribution to our cause and to raise awareness on the horrible plight of Afghan women. Find our more about our publications at
http://rawa.fancymarketing.net/payam.html or send a blank email to pub@rawa.org.

Kindly visit our site regularly and urge your friends and associates to visit
it and help us in any possible way.

If you wish to further help Afghan women, some possible ways to help them
can be found at www.rawa.org/help.htm. Or just send a blank email to help@rawa.org.

Hope to hear from you again!

- Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
- Mailing Address:
P.O.Box 374,
Quetta, Pakistan
- Mobile: 0092-300-8551638
- Fax: 001-760-2819855
- E-mails: rawa@rawa.org, rawa@iname.com
- Home Page: http://www.rawa.org
- Mirror site: http://www.afghan-women.com