En az amerikai katonai akciok ellen tiltakozom. Aki hasonloan erez kuldje tovabb.
Hej alla!
Med tanke på det inträffade i USA så är vi några stycken Väg- och
vattenbyggare (de tre namnen överst på nedanstående lista) som vill ta vårt
samhälliga ansvar som icke-politiskt bundna individer. Hjälp oss i vår
strävan, skriv under vår maning! Sprid gärna vidare...
Concerned about the current US-Muslim situation? Please read the following
statement and if you concur place your name at the bottom and forward it to
If you are number 100, please forward the statement to President Bush at:
To the President of the United States of America.
Dear Sir,
The recent tragedies in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania are truly
catastrophic and evil deeds planned and performed by men with no respect
whatsoever for their fellow man. Crimes like this must, of course, be
punished accordingly once its contributors have been properly identified and
been found guilty in an appropriate court-of-law.
It is very difficult in times like these to keep a cool head and to make
sure one's actions are just and proper, especially if one has been affected
personally. But acting now on one's heart and forgetting one's head will
lead to a global tragedy not seen since the World Wars.
If the state of Afghanistan is attacked by the US or other non-muslim
military, this will force all muslims to choose sides. Unfortunately, the
choice is not as simple as pro- or anti-terrorism. The choice will be
between the Western or Muslim World. This will lead to a further
polarisation of an already strained relationship between the western and
muslim peoples.
We understand that this would not be the aim or goal of an attack on
Afghanistan in the fight against terrorism, but it will be the result. And
it is precisely this result that muslim terrorists are striving for, to
force a war upon and between peoples who do not wish it. Please do not aid
these terrorists in their cause.
We urge you to use extreme caution in this situation. Rally global opinion
rather than act alone. Do not worsen the situation by forcing nations and
peoples to take sides in a question that is far more complicated than simply
pro or contra terrorism.
The result will be a worldwide tragedy.
Yours sincerly,
1. Eric Zinn, Göteborg, Sweden
2. Christer Sfeir
3. Staffan Sandberg
4. Ore Arpad, Budapest, Hungary