Caris Creative Commons License 2001.09.17 0 0 741
Huh, nem akartam bemásolni az egész ökörséget, csak a közepét. Bocs.


"We have written a booklet to explain how MAZDA became the name of our corporation and what it means in order to help everyone who is related to MAZDA enhance their creativity and develop their potential."

The Globe gives the history of founder, Matsuda Jujiro, who is heralded as a great seer who "believed in himself, in his friends, and in heaven, and he achieved a truly global vision." The book explains how he came up with the name "Mazda" which is claimed to symbolize "unlimited possibility and simulates people’s dreams." The name "Mazda" means "the god of light" which evolved into the "god of wisdom" as signified by the name "Ahura-Mazda." The name was chosen because Jujiro believed that the name represents "the origin of civilization."



Előzmény: Caris (740)