arrol, hogy egy fekete muzlman hogy erzi magat...:
"pray that all of you are truly enjoying life. if you learn nothing at all. learn this: TAKE NOTHING FOR GRANTED. for real. NOTHING.
so what lies ahead for us? i dunno. i find it strange that they have covered the identity of the men who were down with this mission in boston. makes me think that america will find what they want to. i'm sure the parents of chandra levy wished the government could act just as swift and intense in the search for their daughter. or what about the so called atlanta olympic bomber?
i'm not trying to be negative but i told my mother that out of the
embarrassment the news media (specially my new homeboy peter "why in the world is he in a rabbit hole" jennings put the government under about not being prepared for this attack. they will probably spin doctor some quick suspects so that americans will feel "at ease". if these are the men who committed this crime then justice should be served. but i am afraid that there will be more tension and misunderstanding and ignorance when it comes to dealing and understanding those involved in islam.
even poor nou ra is staying beyond closed doors for she doesn't know what ignorant remarks lie ahead for her. there have been threats, broken windows, threats to local store owners and cabs drivers in philly alone. THIS EYE FOR AN EYE SHIT IS NOT THE ANSWER! (am i mlk on some "turn the other cheek shit?") if you have some apprehension to our muslim brothers and sisters, or if you catch yourself about a crack a snide remark about why you can't cross the bridge at ease because of "them", or about to board a plane and someone of color fits the description of a stereotype that you feel could be a terrorist. then something is wrong. this is where you can learn more about people and how the world revolves around you (most people of islam faith i know do not condone such actions). and if you see people in far away countries rejoicing for our lost...forgive them too. i am sure they are victims to propaganda just like we are. lord knows what their government is telling them about us.
or even worse...lord knows what our government is really doing without our knowledge. you just don't know. don't take nothing for granted. nothing. get info firsthand and even then.....analyze it before you judge. i for one was laughing my arse off when peter jennings was roasting bush for not appearing "stronger" tuesday night. i had no clue that they were phoning in threats to him by the hour (hence that cat and mouse game he played before going home to dc). so because of my ignorance. i rushed to judgment (waitaminute...did i defend bush? ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAH!!! (C) dela).
this is my message. not for our white players. but for all of us (most jokes i heard were cracked by black folk).
rain check i guess.
right now in this time of chaos. im gonna focus my energy, and write some great songs. take care y'all.
ahmir "?uestlove" thompson.