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Újabb sokkoló részleteket találtam !!! Amennyiben ez igaz, akkor a népharag szerintem elsöpri azt a két hülyét, akiket a nemzetközi Trekes közvélemény csak TPTB-ként emleget (The Powers That Be)

Nem akarom elhinni, hogy ilyen sz@r lesz az új sorozat, bár már az alapötlettől is hányinger kerülget...
Ennek ellenére kizárt dolog, hogy ez igaz legyen

All the below are from the exculsive website run by one of the writers of "enterpise"-

Episode 2#-"where the past meets the future"

As Archer learns what to expect of the SS Enterprise and her crew; he triggers a holodeck malfunction while playing his Dixon Hill novels. First appearance of recurring charcter of "AL", Archers imaginary friend...while T'pol is in a race against time to save Archer from this deadly holodeck malfunction!!!!

Episode 3#- "I.D.I.C"
T'pol discovers what the vulcan "IDIC" means..(ie-Infinate diversity in infinate combinations)...while on a long mission to andor the crew get frisky on the holodeck causing archer and t'pol to write the famous 24th century holonovel -"VULCAN LOVE SLAVE." Also, the crew is debriefed about recent developments with the suliban....AS T'pol is in race against time to save Archer from this deadly holodeck malfuction!

Episode #4- [part 1 of 2]
"requeim for the furture 1"

As a mysterious temporal rift opens to reveal a mysterious new threat from the future... T'pol gets to save archer from this deadly threat: a race of evil beings bent on assimilating the crew at any cost! the mysterious being revealed to be controlling the Suliban is:
THE BORG QUEEN!!! bent on revenge. Archer is kidnapped by the borg in part one of the sweeps spectacular episode!!!

episode 5#- [ 2 of 2]
"requeim for the future 2"

The ss Enterprise is in a race against time to prevent the Earth from being conquered! Despite, the concerns of Vulcans over their vulnerability fighting against the new Borg threat in sector 001. The SS Enterprise miraculously survives against a large Borg cube thanks to enhanced shields. Yet, T'pol's uniform is damaged when a console explodes on the bridge, revealing her vulcan femine wilds for all to see. Later we see her get a new uniform from the ships stores- THE VULCAN warsuit-A jumpsuit meant to distract the enemy! T'pol rescues Archer from the Borg/Suliban complex where he's been assimilated. The SS enterprise single-handedly destroys the Suliban headquarters and the Borg cube orbiting it.T'pol beams Archer back to enterprise then beams to the Borg cube and uploads a computer virus into their computer-destroying the 4th borg queen!!
Later DR.Phlox enjects him w/ an anti-assimaltion virus returning our hero to normal...Only for the ship to recieve an omnious message from the borg queen-"I'll be Back!!!"

Episode #6-

"savage brothers"

Disasterous first contact with the romulans! T'pol contemplates the mysterious similarities between vulcans and romulans and provides background info for ST:10. She also deals a stuck zipper on her catsuit and askes Engineer Tucker to her quarters to help her. "vulcan love slave part 2" orignates in this episodes.. Archer suffers from another "al" halucination while on the bridge in a critical moment. (This causes centuries of mistrust with the romulans) after he calls them "AL" when they establish visual contact w/ the ss enterprise. The ss enterprise confronts the romulan bird-of-prey and wins through a brillantly unorthodox strategy devised by T'pol.

Episode 7#-
"Yesterdays heroes"

The SS Enterprise travels back in time to undue damage done to the future by the deadly suliban. Archer meets Zefram cochrane right after his early warp drive tests. The black helsman fall in love with his grandmother lilly!!! The SS enterprise runs across Picard and Co.(from enterprise-e) in the twenty-first century... Malcom Reed assignates picard thinking him to be a suliban agent!( Hence, picard gets buried in 21st centru montana and ST9 and ST10 are non-canon) This tense episodes ends with t'pol saving archer from the suliban and SS enterprise using the light-speed break away factor to return to the twenty-first century.

episode 7#- "ferengi"

surly forehead aliens. t'pol saves the day.

episode 8#-"more nosigans, more trouble"

surlier forehead aliens. t'pol saves the day.

episode #9- "I of Andor"

peacefull,yet backward surly forehead aliens. Dr.Phlox saves the day and t'pol helps.

episode #10-(part 1 of 2)
"Dishonourable discharges 1"

surly forehead aliens(formly known as klingons) visit earth for a peace conferance. Sato meets her parents as she returns for this delicate and tense peace conferance.Earth organization starfleet bigots conspire to prevent peace w/klingons, prompting Archer and crew to get involved.

episode 11#-(part 2 of 2)

"dishonourable discharges 2"

archer and the ss enterprise crew preven the starfleet bigots from ruining the peace conferance w/ the klingons. T'pol save the day.

episode 12#-
"I, temptress,Love starved women"

on a trip to rigel 4, the ss enterprise encounters the orion pirates dealing in orion slave women. T'pol objects to thier practices towards women...Archer invites her to his ready-room only her to inadvertatly participate in writing the holonovel "vulcan love slave 3"...this holoprogram is then exchanged for the enterprises freedom..T'pol saves the day.

episode #13-
unfinished script pending series ratings.