Khan Abyss Creative Commons License 2001.06.22 0 0 392
Part zwei ;D

A legtöbben azonban a pénznek szolgálnak. Szerintem te is;-)

Én a pénz rabja vagyok :))) Nagy különbség van a rab és a szolga között.Amúgy:

"god money i'll do anything for you
god money just tell me what you want me to
god money nail me up against the wall
god money don't want everything he wants it all
no you can't take it
no no you can't it (no you can't take that away from me
head like a hole
black as your soul
i'd rather die than give you control
bow down before the one you serve
you're going to get what you deserve
god money's not looking for the cure
god money's not concerned about the sick among the pure
god money let's go dancing on the backs of the bruised
god money's not one to choose
no you can't take it
no no you can't take
no you can't take that away from me
head like a hole
black as your soul
i'd rather die than give you control"

Nine Inch Néjlz...

A másik dolog a Mech album.Ime néhány infó "hiteles" :) szájból :

The character of Omega has been disposed of, as
he was a ruse to lure commercial mallgoers into the web of destruction that
I have always planned since the beginning. That's not to say that any
songs on Mechanical Animals were not sincere; those were all great songs
that I love very much. So it was just, uh, the character that I
personified was one that was much more of a satire that some people
msinterpreted as reality.

És hogy mennyire pesszimista a Mech album végkifejlete, bizonyítja a rejtett track (bocs ha már ismered):

In the end I became them and led them / After all none of us really qualified as humans / We
were hardworn automatic and as hollow as the 'o' in God / I reattached my emotions cellular and
narcotic / from the top of Hollywood it looked like space / Millions of capsules and mechanical
animals / a city filled with dead stars and a girl I called Coma White
This is my Omega.

Ez azért nem valami hepiend.Főleg az a rész hogy: "i became them".A tömeg, a tömegízlés részévé válni...brr.

Még valami.Régebb mondtad hogy a sorozatgyilkosságban is lehet művészet.Erre nekiálltam keresgélni és lám, lám:

"And I’ve also found that serial
killers take as much care in what they do as artists do. That’s their
way of expressing themselves, and the only thing that separates them is
your discretion."

Hehe, azért vannak hasonló gondolataitok :))


"Who says madness isn't just the state of pure enlightment? " (MM)

Előzmény: SS Rabe (390)