Megjelent. Sőt, jelent meg belőle egy bővített, 3 órás példány is (TV edition néven), ami tartalmazza a Lynch mester által kihagyott jeleneteket, ennek örömére viszont Alan Smithee van feltüntetve rendezőként. Érdekes eset, szerintem sokkal érthetőbbé teszi a filmet azok számára is, akik esetleg nem olvasták a könyvet. Kezdetnek pl. van az elején egy közel 10 perces bevezető, festett és rajzolt képekkel, és narrációval. Beidézem ide, hátha valaki nem látta...
In the year 6041, before the reign of the Padisah Emperors, the universe was ruled by thinking machines with human minds: computers, and concious robots. People deteriorated into a state of apathy, then they became victims and slaves of other people with machines. Finally came the Great Revolt: the religious crusade against the machines. After the great revolt, humans were forced to develop their minds, thus mental training schools were established. These schools would change the history of the universe. Only two of these ancient training schools remained. One is the Bene Gesserit School, which was established primarly for female students. The function of the Bene Gesserit School is to carry on a breeding program among humans. Now the other existing school, The Spacing Guild, or The Guild emphasises pure mathemathics. The Guild's space navigators through the use of the orange spice drug are able to fold space. That is to guide ships from one planet to another without moving. It is through the guild's monopoly on the economic life of the universe that makes it so powerful. Know then, that it is the year 10191. The known universe is ruled by the Padisah Emperor Shaddam IV... (innen szinte teljesen az eredeti, csak Irluan helyett egy idős férfihang mondja az egészet)
bocsi az elírásokért, hang alapján gépelgettem be :)