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Cöcö. Én a Wasteland-re a Meantime-ra és a Fountain of Dreams-re gondoltam. Ugyanis ezeknek van köze az igazi Fallout világhoz. A Burn Time egy nagy rakás szar, semmi köze a Fallouthoz.

Egy kis allout Faq:

What is Wasteland?
“It's 2087, World War III has come and gone leaving the world a veritable Wasteland. As a Desert Ranger, you've vowed to help rebuild humanity... but first you have to survive. Surprising subplots twist and turn toward a final conflict with mankind's greatest threat in this futuristic multi-character RPG. “

‘It is a post-nuclear RPG from the late 80's. It is primarily an 8-bit game (ie, Apple //e, C64), but was ported to earlier IBM compatibles (as a DOS game, of course). It is the spiritual ancestor to Fallout, but the two games are not related (except for the setting). Interplay designed and programmed Wasteland for Electronic Arts, who published it. EA also owns the name of Wasteland.

So was Fallout a sequel to Wasteland?
No, not officially, but in spirit it was. The official sequel to Wasteland was going to be Meantime, but that was never published. Apart from that, there is the awful quasi-sequel, ‘Fountain Of Dreams’.

What is Fountain Of Dreams?
Fountain Of Dreams is the controversial sequel to Wasteland. Why controversial? Basically, because it wasn’t very good. Actually, it sucked. It wasn’t designed by Interplay, it featured Killer Clowns, and it was ridiculously difficult.

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Amúgy itt lehet:
Unofficial Wasteland website:
Meantime: The unofficial sequel to Wasteland:
Fountain of Dreams: