nohab Creative Commons License 2001.03.25 0 0 3208
Egy hozzászólás erejéig visszakanyarodva a NoHAB-témához, megkérdeztem ebben az ügyben a GM-Gruppen egyik szervezőjét. A válasz a következő:

From: "Steinar Braaten"
To: "Akos, Horvath"
Subject: SV: GM-Gruppen question
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 17:30:58 +0200


My 1104 and MX 1040 is owned by GM-Gruppen
G12 7707 i owned by GM-Gruppen

Di 3.602 and 3.616 is owned by the Norsk Jernbanemuseum and is operated by
Di 3.615 will be spareparts for 602 and 616 for the museum.

Di 3.610 is not GM-Gruppens yet, but we hope we can buy it from NSB. And,
possible, we are going to buy one more Di 3. But that is not OK at this

MY1126 is owned by DSB and, as far as i knom, it is parked in Křbenhavn. It
is not in use.
MX1021 is owned by "Tĺgĺkeriet" in Sverige and is situated i Kristinehamn.

Best regards
Steinar Braaten

Ezzel a vitát végérvényesen lezártnak tekintem.