Hogy legyen egy kicsit Manson téma is:
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A választások:
Manson: All I can really say is that I think that art and especially music thrives under conservative rule. I think that Bill Clinton's attempt to be friends with young people, to come on MTV, did something to the rebellion barometer. It didn't really give kids any authority to go against. I think that that's why there's been a lot of bland and happy-go-lucky music created over the past six or seven years.
Loder: Do you support [George W.] Bush?
Manson: I don't really support Bush, but I hope we get some good, right-wing, Manson-hating people in office so that I can piss them off.
MTV Music Awards:
"I'm not even sure why we're here — I think it was an accident," he said. "We want to represent peace because we feel that if you give the world peace they want war. So we feel that by representing peace we're furthering the destruction of mankind with our music."
Egy régebbi:
"I Don't Like The Drugs, But The Drugs Like Me: that song was kind of the "We Are The World" for drug users. I can imagine a lot of people holding hands and... that sort of thing. It's kind of a public use thing -- I'm trying to give back what the community gives to me..."