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+ Uli Roth info:
Transcendental Sky Guitar (see http://yehao.com/UliJonRoth for more info) is a double CD, here's what the man had to say about the current axe-mad feast, beginning with a primer on the "sky guitar."
"Well, the title is a little bit tongue in cheek. I don't know how much you know about the sky guitar. It's my own trademark guitar which I designed in the early 80s. And it's basically an instrument that enables me to do all these things I've been doing recently on the guitar. As the album is guitar-based through and through, it is the leading instrument on this album. And I thought it would be a fitting tribute to have it reflected in the title. And the word transcendental, it's a very old word, and it means something like overcoming all obstacles, basically to the point where there are no obstacles, going beyond difficulty into a realm where that which should be difficult, or was once difficult, is easy and becomes second nature. I mean, I wasn't first to use this word in music. I think the first person was one of my mentors from the past, the great pianist and composer Franz Liszt, who is widely acclaimed to have given us no less than modern piano technique as we know it."
So of course, on this album, which is split into two parts, The Phoenix (Concert Pieces) and The Dragon (Encores & Improvisations), you will hear much classical and rock band use of this instrument, which Uli further describes:
"a seven string guitar which started out as a six string. It was the first guitar that had a whole range of extra frets at the top. That was in the early 80s. Thus, it enabled me to play really high notes, notes that went way beyond the normal spectrum of say a Strat-type electric guitar. It gave me the possibility to basically play in the entire violin register. I wouldn't say comfortably so, because it is still extremely hard to play up there on the guitar. It's way harder than doing it on the violin. But it is this register that I always felt was missing from my spectrum of things before. That's really the most important thing about the sky guitar, but later on there were a whole range of other things. For instance, we developed our own pickup with a very enhanced tonal spectrum and all sorts of things that I couldn't do before. I guess that's really what's important in a nutshell."