17 Feb 2001 England, Leeds, University
18 Feb 2001 England, Nottingham, Rock City
rescheduled at promoter's request from 30 Aug 2000.
20 Feb 2001 England, Birmingham, Academy
22 Feb 2001 England, London, Astoria
23 Feb 2001 England, London, Astoria
25 Feb 2001 Belgium, Deinze, Brielpoort
26 Feb 2001 Germany, Hamburg, Grosse Freiheit
special guests: Paradise Lost
01 March 2001 Germany, Berlin, Columbiahalle
special guests: Paradise Lost
02 March 2001 Germany, Erfurt, Thüringenhalle
special guests: Paradise Lost
03 March 2001 Germany, München, Colosseum
special guests: Paradise Lost
05 March 2001 Germany, Stuttgart, Congresscentrum
special guests: Paradise Lost
06 March 2001 Germany, Köln, Palladium
special guests: Paradise Lost
07 March 2001 Switzerland, Zürich, X-Tra Limmathaus
09 March 2001 Austria, Vienna, Libro Music Hall
...or more likely 10 March, as promoter just discovered prior Deftones booking
"exxile on euphoria" :
As you've noticed, the above dates fall uncannily close to a major Sisters anniversary, an opportunity for the citizens of many grateful nations to give thanks by paying good money to climb drunkenly all over each other and shout their frenzied nonsense to the four winds while we make a loud noise.
'Twas ever thus.
So much for a lifetime of gainful employment.
That's why we're starting to gloat about it on February 16, in an appropriate manner and place.
...hogy el ne süppedjen...