Állítólag létezik egy ilyen "extended" verziója is a Forest-nek:
A FOREST (Kilburne National Ballroom version)
Again I hear a voice
Her voice calling my name
Write the song and call in the beach
And you hear her call
A rose some call it
And watch the sun come up from the edge of the deep green sea
She called my name
And faith
The stone white clown still laughing after all these years
Some people I'd like to meet
Everytime you take the way to bring me a smile
Never look away from you
In everyway I take the way that you smile
And never look away from you
There's only a picture of her
Fuschia rests inside my heart
Just with a picture of her
Just with a picture of her
And write a letter to Elise
And you know she'll never write back in a a hundred years
Can't touch the idol
The siamese twins of fire
Figurehead girl
...Sleeping like a marble girl, sleeping in another world... (The Cure)