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Itt egy újabb COC kritika a negatív oldalról :-(

Egy kanadai magazinból van, a Brave Wordsből:

America's Volume Dealer
America's Volume Dealer spells most certain disaster. Don't think you'll ever see a band so blatantly follow the Metallica route and flush integrity, reputation and their past right down the toilet. Weren't COC a hardcore band once with Sab/doom leanings? You could see it comin', both Deliverance and Wiseblood nodded back in time with '70s-era Thin Lizzy-isms, and those records worked, as they retained a certain passion and snarl. Five years of obvious wanking later, COC shortens their name and their attention spans. You see, this Carolina bunch admit they want to make a quick buck and even quicker fame. They're tired of toddling around in mediocrity, solely being critics’ darlings. They want to cross over and have every set of lips in Middle America kissing their ass, handing them cash and putting their fuckin' mugs on a six pack or a bottle of whisky. Damn, I can see Skynyrd taking a stab at 'Stare Too Long' and it starts making more sense. That particular tune is infectious, but should it be on this record? You make the call, but aside from the obvious change in musical focus, AVD is unexciting, uneven and full of poorly written material. These days COC have so many hands in the kitchen (mostly suits), that dinner will no doubt be spoiled. Sometimes you gotta lose friends to gain new ones. With AVD, there's nobody to look back to now.